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  • Writer's pictureAshutosh Potnis

Anecdotes about the Mahalakshmi Temple from the Peshwa period

The Mahalakshmi Temple of Kolhapur is one of Maharashtra's most ancient and revered temples. It was patronized and served by dynasties like the Chalukyas, Shilaharas, and Yadavas, and in spite of being a Shakta shrine, it was venerated by several other sects like the Vaishnavas, Shaivas, Buddhists, and Jains. Like other temples, it too suffered during the Islamic period when the priests hid the idol to save it from the iconoclasts. It was reestablished during the Peshwa period in 1715. Several documents were found to be in the possession of the Munishwar family, the hereditary priests of the Mahalakshmi temple. These documents reveal some interesting anecdotes about the Mahalakshmi temple during the Peshwa era.

1. The idol of Mahalakshmi had been hidden by the priests in order to save it from the marauding armies. In 1715, the goddess is said to have appeared in the dream of a man called Savgavkar. She asked him to reestablish his idol in the main temple. Upon hearing this, Chhatrapati Sambhaji of Kolhapur asked for the goddess' wish to be fulfilled and the idol was reinstalled on 26th September 1715.

2. A village called Uchgaon near Kolhapur was granted to the goddess Mahalakshmi and the revenue from this village was to be used for the upkeep of the temple and the celebration of the various festivals held there.

3. Mahalakshmi was one of the main family deities of the Peshwa family. Gopikabai, the wife of Nanasaheb Peshwa had made a vow to the goddess. Upon the fulfillment of her wish, she made a votive offering of 4 gold bangles to the goddess. The 1754 record states that the bangles weighed 240 grams.

4. There was a man from Satara who was suffering from a stomach ache. He went on a pilgrimage to the Mahalakshmi temple, hoping to find a cure for his ailment. That night, the goddess is said to have appeared in his dream. She told him to go to Pune where he would be healed by the water sanctified by the touch of the Peshwa's hand. The man went to the Peshwa's court. The Peshwa at that time, Nanasaheb, did not believe him at first and sent him away. Later that night, the goddess Mahalakshmi also appeared in the Peshwa's dream and told him to fulfill the man's wish. The next day, the man was called to the court. He was given the sanctified water as per his wish and was healed by it.

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